Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Be nice, be wise, before you can rise.....

Alhamdulillah, exams are over, the study mode has ended quite abruptly, can't believe that I've finished my A levels. InsyaAllah, we are in tawakkal mode, hoping for the best from Allah s.w.t.

Well, recently we have been reading about the political turmoils throughout the country and lots of tragedies that really involves human misconduct and much more. It is sad to claim that those who commit the crime are nonetheless Malaysians, and sadly our Muslim community. Bribing, killing siblings, false accusations (fitnah) here and there, everyone seems to be the hero in this field.

We can come to one conclusion despite criticising all the news: we are in dearth of good citizens.........

Where is akhlak (attitude) when it comes to practising Islam in daily life...? Have we lost our wisdom in understanding the meanings in the Quran...? or we just pretending to know, instead of referring to appropriate people (ulama', ustaz, naqib, naqibah, and so on...) We have come to a time where there is less nice people, less wise people....now i ask you...how can we rise with this kind of situation..?

The Government, NGOs have been at their best to spread the beautiful teachings of Islam. Sadly, few of us have concerned about their religion, and let themselves adrift with the flows of hedonism. Entertainment became the top priority before focusing on their ibadat, money matters, not effort in determining their success, and the children are left stranded without love, thus producing a much more or less (lebih kurang) generation like them......

Not to blame anyone or any side, just thinking, we have been offered such a big opportunity to learn Islam, practice it in the right way, and the chance to govern the country in a better way, why we still not able to rise and become one..? just pray to Allah, may our efforts worth the struggle that we faced currently.

just want to share a short story, when one day Imam Ghazali was asked by his student,
(me just write it in Malay...) " Tuan, bagaimana keadaanku ketika mulutku berzikir tetapi hatiku masih lalai?"

Lalu Imam yang arif dalam soal keajaiban hati itu (Iman Ghazali) pun berkata "teruskanlah bezikir walau hatimu lalai kerana sekurang-kurangnya lidahmu akan terselamat daripada berkata-kata kotor dan sia-sia"


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